Next week I will leave for travel and I’d like to explore the traces of fights of my grandfather.
Thank you very much for the things I learned.
Since there are many videos of the Russian-Japanese War, but this is the first time for watching well done video based on searches. A surprising quality for NHK though I do not know who made this.
Is the true victory not America that controlled both countries? Speaking calmly, it may have been “an extremely close to lose victory”.
The true winner is the England. Because they soaked up a lot of money from Japan and sold their weapons and made money.
All is thanks to our ancestors.
Although politics of Meiji Japan was splendid, Showa’s Japanese politics is a series of foolish measures. Arrogant people do not last long time.
Although winning in a small margin, if losing to the Russian-Japanese War, especially the Battle of the Sea of Japan, all of Asia would have become a colony of white nation, not to mention Japan.
Despite it was hardly possible to win the war in consideration for the difference in the national power between Japan and Russia, I take off my hat to the spirit of Japan when choosing to fight and die than being a slave.
The Baltic fleet of Russia made a distant sea voyage covering 10,000 kilometers, shellfish adhered to the bottom and the speed was also declining. Morale also fell on long-term ocean voyages.
Besides, they were in a hurry to enter Vladivostok. Thanks to overlapped various conditions such as geographical advantage and readiness, the Japanese Navy won.
ありがとう明治の人々 貴方たちががんばってくれた おかげで今が有ります。
Thanks to the Meiji people, thanks to your efforts, we have it now.
I would like Korean people to understand the essence of the Russian-Japanese War and consider the circumstances that led to the present.
It is regrettable that Japan was totally engaged in agency war between Britain and the United States.
It is handed down to posterity because Japan won the war. If it was defeated, nobody could tell us.
Why did the military and politicians who were excellent at this era end up like that in Showa….
There are historians who evaluate this Russian-Japanese War as the 0th World War. It was a war that the world focused on.