
20 Although Showa Emperor was a war leader, why was he not executed? Why did not GHQ execute him?

11 Because the national people will riot.

Showa Emperor “Let the people live, you can kill me“.
MacArthur “Well, let you alive”.

Prime minister at the time was judged. Emperor had a responsible indeed, but the national people have shed it in the water.

I respond seriously, if executing the emperor, oppose from Japanese will be out of control and reign of Japan will not work. GHQ knew that.

Either politicians or officials, GHQ need to make them follow orders. By utilizing the life of the Emperor at this time, so to speak, GHQ play a role of the government practically.

>> This. GHQ made good use of the Emperor for Japanese ruling, so there was no messed up like Iraq. As a result, the cornerstone of the awesome reconstruction of Japan after the war was established.

Emperor led the war? I thought that the military was running for out of control.

>> The military took the lead, but it was done with the name of the Emperor, and the Emperor agreed at the beginning.

I, who read MacArthur’s retrospective (original English sentence) again just right now, write down the truth below.

Pressures to execute the Showa Emperor are from several countries at the head of Russia. MacArthur focused on only to rule over Japan, and did not stick to the life of the Emperor, in particular.

MacArthur who first met with the Emperor thought that the Emperor came to call her life. However, the words spoken from the mouth of the Emperor were as follows.

I come to you, to offer myself to the judgment of the powers you represent as the one to bear sole responsibility for every political and military decision and action taken by my people in the conduct of war.

MacArthur who heard this word repeatedly interviewed with Showa Emperor, praising its character and understanding of democracy. Then decided to take advantage of him and rule the people.

Well, even if the emperor was fine, it is true that the war was not every beautiful but the end troops robbed the food and raped women.

We have to listen to what they say from damaged country, but it is just an extortion of Korea that is claiming compensation even now.

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