

Bloomberg Tictok 2018/12/20 13:28

Bloomberg. 2018/12/20 13:48

CNN business 14:11

20 Releasing before Christmas, they do stylish things.

11 It is such a shame that the Tokyo district court giving up to international public opinion. Who is the presiding judge?

The prosecution overdoes from the beginning. It should have been settled within Nissan executives.

A woman from Huawei was bailed out in the blink of an eye, so there is no choice but to do so.

Patterns that escape abroad and do not come back.

Can he leave Japan?

出国出来る 。要人は、免除されてる
He can leave. The important person are exempt.

It seems that the court is considering international public opinion, so it seems to be out for bail within the year.

これでもし、ゴーンが微罪で執行猶予ならば 、日本は世界の笑い者どころか深刻な外交問題が起きるはず。
If Ghson is a fine crime and execution is suspended in this situation, Japan should have serious diplomatic problems rather than being laughed from the world.

I wonder if the court has compromised since being said as dark judiciary from France.

こんなことしてる間に日産はどんだけ損失してるんだ?100億円?200億円?現経営陣は無能過ぎるだろ。 こんなお粗末なクーデターしてるとかアホか。
How much did Nissan lost while doing this? 10 billion yen? 20 billion yen? The current management team is too incompetent. It is such a silly doing such a poor coup.

保釈は普通にありだろ。否認のままだし 延ばしても意味ない 。今ある証拠で十分有罪だろう。
Bail out is normal. It remains in denial and it does not make any sense for extending. Proof they have now is enough for guilty.

勘違いしている奴が散見されるけど 、逮捕容疑の金融商品取引法違反は起訴されてるぞ。
Those misunderstandings people can be seen, but the violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act on suspicion of arrest is prosecuted.

Embezzlement is confirmed, what has become of the false statements?

毎年10億以上貰って 日産の金で家族名義で別荘買ってるし、脱税でしょっぴけよ。
He got more than 1 billion yen every year and bought a villa with his family name under Nissan’s money. Get him for the tax evasion.

Although Gone is denying the crime, he is dismissed because he admitted facts mostly. Well, it will be hard to destroy evidence at this charge.

The prosecutors will be preparing for the request of the arrest warrant in another case now. If appeal is not accepted and bailed out, he will be immediately arrested for another reason. Do not underestimates Japan.

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