
平成最後のお正月。みんな楽しみにしてただろうに 考えると、居たたまれなくなる。
20 Last new year of the Heisei. If you think that everyone would have been looking forward to it, I can’t stand the situation.


11 It has passed over 8 years since then .. For old man, the flow of the days and months are fast.

It is nostalgic for the 6P cheese. What are they doing now.

>> We were exciting with topics of red and white singing contest and the bird cafe. I laughed that a thread named “Ayumi Hamasaki got married” fell with haste while not being much topics.

It will not rotten even with refrigeration this time. They should deliver it.

The shipping client reported the wrong temperature setting to Yamato. There is nothing wrong with Yamato.

>> No. Although it was frozen when departed from Fukuoka prefecture, they made a mistake in setting the temperature of the luggage compartment of the truck heading from Saitama Prefecture to Hokkaido.

It is the Osechi dish that is supposed to last long days.

昔ながらのおせちだけ売っても売れないからね(´・ω・`) 人目を引くものが数品入ってるんだよ。ボイルしたエビとかカニなんかは傷みやすいよね。
Even if you sell just old-fashioned osechi, you can not sell it a lot (‘· ω · `) There are a few items of eye catching. Boiled shrimp and crabs are easy to hurt.

The bird cafe was the year of the disaster. I feel a bad feeling for the future …

スカスカおせちは地の神と海の神の激しい怒りを呼び 、人々に災いをもたらす。絶対にしてはダメだぞ
Scarce Osechi calls for the fierce anger of the God of the earth and the god of the sea, bringing disaster to people. You can not do it absolutely

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