
独身税だよな? こいつから金搾り取って未来ある子供のために使うべき。
20 It is single tax, is not it? We should squeeze money out of singles and use it for a future of the child.

11 >> It seems that the marriage only registering and not sharing property will be popular.

Single tax was introduced in other countries and failed. It seems that single persons can not marry because of lacking money, and became more difficult to marry for the single tax.

In other words, single tax is from thirties, so that they should get married before becoming 30.

God system such as fat-tax that can solve the uncomfortableness of crowded trains.

>> Fat-tax is nice seriously. Fat person is nothing but a harm.

It is elderly-tax. There are many elderly people, right?

老人税より老人限定かつ一定額以上持ってる人限定で資産税 。これでうまく行く。
Property tax only for elderly people who have more than a certain amount of money, rather than elderly-tax. This will work well.

Hair bushy tax. Since hair is bushy, it is unfair unless the wallet becomes short of money.

>> Nice work, bald man.

Internal holding tax.

>> It is not incomprehensible. Saving tax should be added also. I think that the nationality of saving money eventually destroys this country.

累進課税を強くしてくれたらなんでもいいわ 。
You can do anything if you make progressive tax stronger.

Good look Tax. The world have to be fair.

What is the standard for the good look tax? Fat-tax for men seems working well at body fat percentage is 20% or more.

Beautiful person tax is not so bad unexpectedly, since paying persons do not feel so bad.

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