
早くも連休の1日目が終わろうとしています。一人暮らし・独身 ・彼氏・友達無しのぼっちのみなさんいかがお過ごしでしたか? お話ししましょう。
20 The first day of consecutive holidays is about to finish soon. Living alone, single, no boyfriend, nor friends, how are you spending? Let’s talk.

クッキー焼いたよ 。誰かに食べさせる訳じゃないのに無駄に美味しく焼けた。
11 I baked cookies. Even though I would not let someone eat it, it was baked well wastefully nice.

I do nothing but stay in a kotatsu. Since I took paid holiday on Friday and went to the hospital from morning, it is fourth day. I am happy.

Since I borrowed overseas drama, I watch all in 3 consecutive holidays while drinking beer.

今日はスーパーに買い出しに行ってきた。土日は引きこもり予定。 芋煮、食べに来て笑。
Today I went to shopping at supermarket. Saturday and Sunday I stay in my house. Come to eat stewed potato.

人付き合いが苦手だし一人でいるのが一番居心地がいいので、 トピのタイトルの【耐久!!】が個人的には【快適!!】です。
I am not good at communicating and I feel good to be alone, so the topic ‘s [endurance !!] is personally [comfortable !!].

今日は部屋の模様替えしたよー。明日は換気扇の掃除する 。誰も家にこないから汚くても死なないけど笑。
I rearranged my room today. I will clean the ventilation fan tomorrow. Since no one comes to my home, I will not die even if it gets dirty though.

名古屋駅でぼっち買い物してきたけど祝日なめてた… 。寂しくなって帰ってきた。
I was shopping at Nagoya station alone, but I underestimated a public holiday …. I came home lonely and came back.

I tried to go to the beauty salon and I stopped it because I had no money. There is no one who will tell me it looks good even if I change hairstyle.

せめて行き付けの居酒屋とかあって、居酒屋行けば会える仲間みたいなのがあれば楽しいのにな〜 。ドラマのようなことは起きないわ。
If there is a pub for me I often go, then it is fun to see my friend or like that in the pub. Things like drama will not happen.

As am living in my parents’ house so I have no plans or promises, but I will go outside. Maybe it is me if you see someone sitting in a shopping mall chair and watching videos.

I am eating a steak. At home.

お肉食べたいな〜 。1人いきなりステーキか、自分でフライパンで焼くか、どうしようかな。
I want to eat meat. Ikinari steak alone or cook stake in my house in a frying pan by myself, what should I do?

昔の乙女ゲー捨てたわ。 なんか虚しくなる。 彼氏なんか要らんわ。
I threw away old girl’s game. It makes something empty. I do not need a boyfriend.

朝からご飯も食べずにゲームして クリアしたー! そして今から新しいゲームはじめる。
I played games and cleared it without eating anything from morning! And I will start a new game now.

17時までベッドでゴロゴロしてた! 今はサイゼでワイン飲んでるよ〜。
I do nothing but was on the bed until 17 o’clock! I am drinking wine at saizeliya now.

しょうが焼き かぶの炒め物 豆腐をチンして明太子乗っけたの ナスと油揚げのお味噌汁 食べるよ
Ginger baked meat. Stir-fry turnip. Cooked tofu mentaiko on it. Miso soup with eggplant and fried tofu. I’ll eat it.

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