


1: 田杉山脈 ★ 2020/05/28(木) 20:24:05.84 ID:CAP_USER




2: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:25:33.53 ID:+JH22dDJ
Is that better to have been quiet under Renault?
Is it only a matter of time before it is bought by Chinese capital? ??


3: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:27:55.36 ID:vlPY7CjR
やっちゃえ日産。 ゴーンに頭下げてまた社長をやってもらうか。
Do it, Nissan. Would you like to bow down to Ghosn and become him a president again?


4: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:30:32.65 ID:XNuxOn3H
Renault is almost state-owned, so the deficit is covered by taxes, but business performance depends on Nissan.
All Nissan executives blame for Corona and stealing only money and running away.


11: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:34:45.98 ID:LetMu5Ew
What if it became a wholly owned subsidiary of Renault?
I’m sure the French government will save you even if you run this kind of business.


15: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:41:23.02 ID:4Stls/mg
日産役員は高額の退職金貰ってトンズラしていく。 その時、日産は終わる。
Nissan executives get a large amount of retirement payment and run away. At that time, Nissan is over.


25: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:54:59.55 ID:OXm8F3m8
ルノーにとっても痛いよな。 日産からの配当金がゼロになると倒産かもね。
It hurts for Renault too. It may go bankrupt when the dividend money from Nissan becomes zero.


26: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 20:55:00.05 ID:oEAMCPHG
It’s not the case when they are paying for Nissan Stadium w


36: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 21:02:03.27 ID:0W2dCAva
It’s a spectacular suicide attack to force Renault to give up the merger!


37: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 21:02:38.76 ID:FC0cnTDq
単純に乗りたい車がない セドリックの最終型は欲しくて仕方なかったのに
There is simply no car I want to drive. I couldn’t help but want the final model of Cedric.


53: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 21:51:53.35 ID:ocahwBTg
This is just a few months after Corona started.
There is a bankruptcy in less than three years.
Even with cash on hand and bank loan and new car effect, it will not be possible for 4 years.


59: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 22:03:25.18 ID:HzWaSe9K

     販売台数     売上高(億円)   営業利益(億円)   純利益(億円)  営業利益率
トヨタ  895万8千台(0%) 299,299(▲ 1.0%)  24,429(▲ 1.0%)  20,762(  10.3%)   8.2%
ホンダ 479万0千台(▲10.0%) 149,310(▲ 6.0%)  6,336(▲12.8%)   4,557(▲25.3%)   4.2%
日産  493万0千台(▲10.6%)   98,789(▲14.6%) ▲404(  -  %) ▲6,712(  -  %)  ▲0.4%
スズキ 285万2千台(▲14.3%)   34,884(▲ 9.9%).  2,151(▲33.7%)   1,342(▲24.9%)    6.2%
マツダ 141万9千台(▲ 9.1%)   34,303(▲ 3.8%)   436(▲47.6%)    121(▲80.8%)    1.3%
スバル. 103万4千台(  3.3%)   33,441(  6.0%)  2,103(  15.7%)   1,526(  7.9%)    6.3%
三菱  112万7千台(▲ 9.0%)   22,703(▲ 9.7%)   128(▲88.6%)  ▲258(  -  %)     0.6%

We’ve got all the settlement, but it’s more miserable than I expected for Nissan, and this is the only company where operating income is red.
And how can the red of net profit swell up to this point?
Honda is not good at all, but the earning power is completely different.
And Subaru goes to another dimension.


61: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 22:13:12.86 ID:LaQYlO46
そんな些細なことには 目をつぶって、経営を任せておくべきだったね。
It was a little forcible and one-man, and there were something that nearly violated the law,
they should have closed eyes to such a trivial matter and leave him the management.


73: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 22:46:53.67 ID:WTeWbVCr
It’s such an era that we don’t need Nissan and Mitsubishi anymore.
I think there are too many Japanese car makers.
Subaru and Mazda should be brands exclusively for the US and Europe under Toyota.


81: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/05/28(木) 23:03:43.25 ID:s7b3Y+ui
日産の悲鳴が聞こえる 神さま 仏さま ゴーンさま
I can hear Nissan’s scream, God, Buddha, Mr. Ghosn.



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