1: フロントネックロック(岐阜県) [TW] 2020/11/28(土) 10:09:18.15 ID:j+I8WuWD0● BE:928139305-2BP(2000)
2: ショルダーアームブリーカー(茸) [US] 2020/11/28(土) 10:10:22.21 ID:vYTXYyN+0
It’s exhausting.
It’s exhausting.
3: キチンシンク(岩手県) [US] 2020/11/28(土) 10:11:35.63 ID:OkFwYAsz0
I answer seriously, it ’s not easy to enter.
I answer seriously, it ’s not easy to enter.
5: 魔神風車固め(千葉県) [DE] 2020/11/28(土) 10:11:55.42 ID:CTMSE8l00
That’s because bald geezer place them on me saying “don’t underestimate agriculture”
That’s because bald geezer place them on me saying “don’t underestimate agriculture”
18: TEKKAMAKI(SB-iPhone) [US] 2020/11/28(土) 10:17:47.14 ID:rpnL6C9O0
I found out by researching various things, but starting a farm from zero is quite difficult.
It seems that the country just wants to reduce the number of farmers.
I found out by researching various things, but starting a farm from zero is quite difficult.
It seems that the country just wants to reduce the number of farmers.
23: ランサルセ(やわらか銀行) [US] 2020/11/28(土) 10:18:58.03 ID:UiYz58rz0
I’m happy if it’s a part-time job that just sprays insect repellent on a radio-controlled airplane that I used to do.
I’m happy if it’s a part-time job that just sprays insect repellent on a radio-controlled airplane that I used to do.
29: ラ ケブラーダ(愛知県) [US] 2020/11/28(土) 10:20:07.78 ID:+tlmWxxw0
A country where old men and women are more energetic than young people.
A country where old men and women are more energetic than young people.
43: 超竜ボム(ジパング) [TW] 2020/11/28(土) 10:24:32.59 ID:VjNCZcjF0
I want to do farming rather than being nervous about relationships at work.
I want to do farming rather than being nervous about relationships at work.
45: セントーン(茸) [RU] 2020/11/28(土) 10:25:03.73 ID:pQ1kzQg80
騙されんなよ まあ騙されるやつなど令和にはいないだろうが…
Don’t be deceived, I don’t think there is anyone in Reiwa who will be deceived …
There were some people who were deceived in the latter half of Heisei.
Slow life while farming in the countryside rather than in the city! Deceived by a story like shit…
Don’t be deceived, I don’t think there is anyone in Reiwa who will be deceived …
There were some people who were deceived in the latter half of Heisei.
Slow life while farming in the countryside rather than in the city! Deceived by a story like shit…
46: トペ コンヒーロ(埼玉県) [DE] 2020/11/28(土) 10:25:43.79 ID:FKiJDvq50
There are farmers in the countryside of Saitama City, but they have been working since 6am …
They are crouching all the time, my waist will be broken in 3 days.
There are farmers in the countryside of Saitama City, but they have been working since 6am …
They are crouching all the time, my waist will be broken in 3 days.
48: サッカーボールキック(東京都) [CN] 2020/11/28(土) 10:26:40.21 ID:YJqL23aP0
Newcomers from other place can’t draw water.
It is impossible for the new entry to the agriculture.
Newcomers from other place can’t draw water.
It is impossible for the new entry to the agriculture.
55: フェイスクラッシャー(やわらか銀行) [ニダ] 2020/11/28(土) 10:31:02.26 ID:iXwoqoA10
After over 40 years old, my desire is increased to get out from office worker, and was thinking to live in agriculture, but I realized that it was a land mine when I saw this thread.
After over 40 years old, my desire is increased to get out from office worker, and was thinking to live in agriculture, but I realized that it was a land mine when I saw this thread.
62: キン肉バスター(京都府) [CN] 2020/11/28(土) 10:32:30.31 ID:nhEln+Xn0
People who get out from office and running the coffee shop, the soba shop, and lived in the countryside, all of them hanged their necks.
People who get out from office and running the coffee shop, the soba shop, and lived in the countryside, all of them hanged their necks.
74: 膝十字固め(熊本県) [US] 2020/11/28(土) 10:35:24.12 ID:kTe2RwCQ0
会社作って大規模農業出来るなら良いけど 小作人として農協の奴隷しか農業できないし
It would be nice if a company could be built and large-scale farming could be done, but as a tenant, only the slaves of the agricultural cooperative could farm.
A declining industry that will disappear from Japan.
It would be nice if a company could be built and large-scale farming could be done, but as a tenant, only the slaves of the agricultural cooperative could farm.
A declining industry that will disappear from Japan.
113: 断崖式ニードロップ(茸) [CN] 2020/11/28(土) 10:55:09.24 ID:ZVAQA+2V0
業界に10年いた人間が教えてやるよ ガチで儲からん
労基も震える5k仕事 絶対に関わるな 学生なら尚のこと
A person who has been in the industry for 10 years will teach you. You can’t make a profit seriously.
5k work even labor standards bureau shivers. Never get involved, especially if you are a student.
労基も震える5k仕事 絶対に関わるな 学生なら尚のこと
A person who has been in the industry for 10 years will teach you. You can’t make a profit seriously.
5k work even labor standards bureau shivers. Never get involved, especially if you are a student.
131: 魔神風車固め(大阪府) [DE] 2020/11/28(土) 11:04:38.45 ID:oLG2SPUY0