1: 在籍中:名無しさん(東京都) 2020/05/11(月) 15:04:04.05 ID:f0/Rz3ef0
Anything about telework please.
Anything about telework please.
2: 在籍中:名無しさん(静岡県) 2020/05/11(月) 18:04:39.23 ID:Ua3Qt27ux
名前がいやだ リモートワークがいい
I don’t like the name, I like remote work.
I don’t like the name, I like remote work.
5: 在籍中:名無しさん(千葉県) 2020/05/13(水) 23:41:44.94 ID:xWGtWuN70
通勤のストレスと時間が軽減されるのが凄い。 クソみたいな上司が怒鳴り散らかさないので平和。 電話は取次しないで済むから集中できる。
It is amazing that the stress and time of commuting are reduced. Peace because the boss like shit doesn’t yell at me. I don’t have to make a phone call reception so I can concentrate.
It is amazing that the stress and time of commuting are reduced. Peace because the boss like shit doesn’t yell at me. I don’t have to make a phone call reception so I can concentrate.
8: 在籍中:名無しさん(東京都) 2020/05/14(木) 21:01:05.23 ID:TaUOnzWR0
Every time someone quit the company, people paid 500 yen per person and presented a bouquet and so on. That custom will be gone. New people come during telework, and someone I don’t know leave without knowing it. I feel like who are you.
Every time someone quit the company, people paid 500 yen per person and presented a bouquet and so on. That custom will be gone. New people come during telework, and someone I don’t know leave without knowing it. I feel like who are you.
9: 在籍中:名無しさん(神奈川県) 2020/05/16(土) 02:52:41.15 ID:oryp6Gvb0
16: 在籍中:名無しさん(神奈川県) 2020/05/18(月) 13:32:51.34 ID:XCf5Qooh0
If it become I go to the office once a month, I consider moving to the countryside.
If it become I go to the office once a month, I consider moving to the countryside.
27: 在籍中:名無しさん(大阪府) 2020/06/01(月) 18:28:09.08 ID:ZxbTCv410
Getting on the commuter train made me feel like I was going to get infected. The train is a murder vehicle in me. It was good to continue as it was because it was a long-awaited telework and staggered commuting. I don’t want to go to the office anymore.
Getting on the commuter train made me feel like I was going to get infected. The train is a murder vehicle in me. It was good to continue as it was because it was a long-awaited telework and staggered commuting. I don’t want to go to the office anymore.
28: 在籍中:名無しさん(神奈川県) 2020/06/02(火) 00:09:59.58 ID:GyP4QRK80
I personally think that teleworking is efficient regardless of the corona. Recently, it seems that there are more opportunities to exercise at home, and if it is actually related to work, the work travel time will be reduced and you will be contacted soon. Well, I understand that there are things that can only be done on-site.
I personally think that teleworking is efficient regardless of the corona. Recently, it seems that there are more opportunities to exercise at home, and if it is actually related to work, the work travel time will be reduced and you will be contacted soon. Well, I understand that there are things that can only be done on-site.
29: 在籍中:名無しさん(東京都) 2020/06/03(水) 15:23:15.81 ID:RbpHEFSia
The company network is broken and I can’t connect, but I’m supposed to work, what should I do?
The company network is broken and I can’t connect, but I’m supposed to work, what should I do?
38: 山師さん(新日本) 2020/06/14(日) 16:14:41.89 ID:rTKhjF+D0
テレワーク最高 もう満員電車乗れない 身支度と通勤に往復で合計3時間 戻りたくない
Telework is the best. I can’t get on a crowded train anymore. I don’t want to go back for a total of 3 hours to preparing and commute.
Telework is the best. I can’t get on a crowded train anymore. I don’t want to go back for a total of 3 hours to preparing and commute.
43: 在籍中:名無しさん(SB-iPhone) 2020/06/20(土) 02:34:14.98 ID:HfsB9YE3p
俺はむしろテレワーク辞めたい 出社したいのに、会社がテレワーク推進の方向性で絶望してる みんなかテレワークテレワーク言ってるけど、多分この先ずっとテレワーク続けてたら確実にその企業の業績は落ちると思う
I’d rather quit telework. Though I would like to go to office, I am desperate because the company is in the direction of telework promotion. Though Everyone says telework telework, I think that the company’s performance will definitely decline if you continue telework for a long time.
I’d rather quit telework. Though I would like to go to office, I am desperate because the company is in the direction of telework promotion. Though Everyone says telework telework, I think that the company’s performance will definitely decline if you continue telework for a long time.
44: 在籍中:名無しさん(SB-iPhone) 2020/06/20(土) 02:38:42.37 ID:HfsB9YE3p
これって恐ろしいよね 生産性は落ちてるのに、テレワークというぬるま湯に浸かっちゃうと、もう抜け出せなくなるんだから
According to a survey conducted by the Japan Productivity Center, 60% of people want to continue teleworking, and 60% feel that teleworking has reduced their productivity.
This is scary, isn’t it? Even though productivity has dropped, if you soak in the lukewarm water called telework, you will not be able to get out anymore.
これって恐ろしいよね 生産性は落ちてるのに、テレワークというぬるま湯に浸かっちゃうと、もう抜け出せなくなるんだから
According to a survey conducted by the Japan Productivity Center, 60% of people want to continue teleworking, and 60% feel that teleworking has reduced their productivity.
This is scary, isn’t it? Even though productivity has dropped, if you soak in the lukewarm water called telework, you will not be able to get out anymore.
95: 在籍中:名無しさん(兵庫県) 2020/09/25(金) 23:30:39.06 ID:nGgXjiS+0
4月から一度も出社してない。 ずーーとリモートワーク楽勝。
I didn’t go to office even once since April. All the time remote work, easy.
I didn’t go to office even once since April. All the time remote work, easy.
64: 在籍中:名無しさん(神奈川県) 2020/07/14(火) 13:01:57.15 ID:rYGWL9Na0
Telework has increased my electricity bill at home, what will you do about that for?
Telework has increased my electricity bill at home, what will you do about that for?