It is too aggressive.
女子大生まゆ子(21) こいつ絶対女子大生でもまゆ子でも21でもないやろ。
Female college student Mayuko (21) She is absolutely neither a female college student nor Mayako 21 years old.
Does talking with a woman younger than you 10 years old go well?
If man says the opposite in this case, he will be struck firecely and die socially?
I wonder if she become sad to say such a thing.
余計なお世話じゃね 。他人の恋愛なんてどうでもええやろ 。狙ってた男若い女にとられてしまったんか?
It is unnecessary attention. Do not care about someone’s romance. Has she been taken a man by a young woman she was aiming at?
You ought to be ashamed of being not sold for men older than 30 years old.
若い頃は同年代の男を低く見て30過ぎな男とつきあう。自分がいざ年食ったら30過ぎの若い女好きの男を見下す 。
When they are young, they regard a man of their age lower and get along with men who are over 30. When they become older than 30 years old in real, they look down on a man who likes a young girl.
Isn’t that good to try to regain youth after having money?
If you think that 24 thousand women agree with it, it is frightening …
A woman in her 40’s without both parents may not be bad unexpectedly, since she may not had time to love with someone because of care for parents.
女性は年を重ねるごとにしおらしくなればええんやけど、大抵ヒスになるからな 。それがアカン。
It is good if a woman grows older as she becomes modest, but she becomes hysteric in most of the case. That is bad.
I am 29 years old and she is 20 years old, so it is safe.
ワイ9つ下の嫁貰ったけど年齢差しんどい 。精神年齢近い方がいいぞ 。一生ガキみたいな嫁のお守りとか絶望してるわ。
I got wife 9 years younger, but the age difference is tough. It is better about mental age closer. I’m hopelessly desperating for taking care of my wife like a kid.
お前ら、年齢問わず女性と仲良くやろうぜ。 争いは争いしか生み出さないぜ。 20代には20代の、30代には30代の良さがあるだろう。
You guys, get along with a woman of any age. Fighting only produces fighting. There will be merit in twenties for twenties, and in thirties for thirties.