
20 I became not to be asked whether married yet because they consider me.

もう結婚せずに独身用マンションを買うか迷い中 。三十代後半になるとね…。
11 I am wondering whether I will buy a single apartment without marrying anymore. In the late of thirties…

Hopeless feeling when you became one of the last single …

I am in the middle between impatience and giving up.

今更誰かと一緒に住むとか考えられなくなった 。家族が泊まりに来るのにもストレス掛るのにまして他人なんてと 既にヤバいw。
I can not think of living with someone now anymore. It will be stress when my family come to stay, much more dangerous staying with someone else already.

Make a boyfriend from this age, get married, give birth, … count on my fingers and reach the point of giving up.

土日祝日のショッピングモールが憂鬱 。幸せファミリーばかりで泣きたくなる。
The shopping mall on Saturday and Sunday is depressing. I feel like crying with just only happy families.

海外に住んでいた訳でもないのに、 日本の男はぁ・・とか語り出す。
Even though I have never lived abroad, but beginning to tell Japanese men are like…

I want to get married to be honest, but I lie and runaway as saying I would like to work.

Thanks to child rearing rush, my friends do not play with me.

婚活しても紹介されても会ったっきり連絡が来なくなる。誘って来てくれてもまた連絡が途絶える。 これの連続。
Even if I engage in matchmaking act or introduced, it ends as contact is not coming just after I met with. Even if I am invited, the contact will be lost again. A series of this.

Since it is my concern if another person is married or single, I just check the rings.

After a marriage rush, a birth rush, my home rush, I am now 33 years and divorce rush. I have never experienced all of them.

Though registering to a matchmaking site, everyone seems to be a criminal and leaving it as it is.

The remarks of married person can be heard like looking down on me.

妥協するぐらいなら結婚しなくていいわ(キリッ)  とエラそうに言うわりに、たまにできる彼氏も大したことない。
I would rather not to marry if I compromise,(sharp face) , saying arrogantly, but the boyfriend get along with occasionally is not a big deal.

Rather than me who can not get marry, my younger sister who got married with pregnant unintentionally in her twenties, is taken care of better from her parents.

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