
自分は40台後半だけどそろそろゲームも飽きてきた 。でも他に趣味は無いしなあ 。皆はどうやって休日の暇をつぶしてるの? 。ハゲの皆教えて
20 I am in the late of 40’s, but getting bored the games gradually. But I do not have any other hobbies. How does everyone spend time for holidays? Tell me, bald guys.

できればお金はあまりかからず、何かしらを集めるものではない 趣味ってないかなあ 部屋狭いので 。教えてハゲの皆。
11 If possible, I wonder if there is a hobby which does not cost much money nor collect something, because the room is narrow. Tell me, bald guys.

朝から近所のショッピングモールを散策。 疲れたらフードコートで一休み。 帰りに本と食料を購入。 10000歩以上歩いた。
From the morning I took a walk around the neighborhood shopping mall. If I get tired, take a rest at the food court. Purchase books and food on the way back. I walked over 10000 steps.

>> Why do you walk such a tough road.

俺は引きこもり 。1週間録画したテレビを休日にまとめて見る 。
I withdraw. I watch a weekly recorded television on a holiday.

温泉かな、スーパー銭湯でもよいが近場は混んでるので避けてる 。空見ながらぬるめの露天入ってるのが良い。
Hot spring, although it may be good for a super public bath, but the nearby place is crowded and I avoid it. It is good to have a lukewarm outstreet hot spring while watching the sky.

いまだに草野球に熱中してるよ 。そのあとのビールは最高だし、会社関係とまったく関係ないチームなので新鮮なんだよね 。
I am still keen on grass baseball. After that the beer is the best and it is fresh because it is a team that has nothing to do with the company relationship.

非常に楽しいよ 、お金があればね 。貧乏は駄目、辛い事ばかり。
Very fun, if you have money. Poverty is not good at all, it is only painful.

俺は125のスクーターを買ってツーリング始めたよ! フェリーに乗っても安いし、しまなみ海道を走ってきたけど感動した!
I bought 125cc scooters and started touring! It is cheap to get on the ferry, and I drove into Shimanami sea street, I was impressed!

1人カラオケ行ってる 。1000円くらいなので非常にコスパの良い娯楽だと思う。
I go to single Karaoke. I think that it is very good cost performance amusement since it is about 1000 yen.

料理と酒の研究、本職料理人だから趣味と実益 。
Study of cuisine and alcohol, because I am a professional chef, hobby and profit.

Fishing. I eat the caught fish cooked by myself. It is recommendable because I feel I am living.

俺は山登りをしているよ。 1,2時間程度で登れる低山ばかりだけどな。 弁当水筒持参だ。
I’m climbing mountains. Only low mountains that can be climbed in about one or two hours. I bring lunch boxes.

将棋の中継見てる 。藤井聡太のおかげでニコ生、AbemaTVと四六時中中継してて楽しめる 。
I’m watching the broadcasting of shogi. Thanks to Sota Fujii, I can enjoy because NicoNama and AbemaTV are broadcasting shogi all the time.

Watch the trial if it is a weekday.

野球観戦しにあちこちへ 。金はあるからちょっといいホテルに泊まったり飛行機をプレミアムクラスにして楽しんでる。
Go to various places to watch baseball. Because I have money, I stay at a nice hotel and I am enjoying having the airplane as a premium class.

Whether you can enjoy your holiday or enjoy your life depends on your own feelings.

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