稲葉浩志 / 静かな雨 B’Z オフィシャル リンク YouTube

20 I love this song ♡ I can sleep gently as I listen to it before going to bed.

11 It calms down me terribly … …. Ah lovely. Just nice … ….

A song whose scene comes up in my mind.

It’s just singing while playing the guitar, why is it so sexy! !

It’s a mysterious feeling as if I finished watching the drama for two hours, it’s only about 4 minutes though.

歌詞がすごく好きすぎる この曲の数分間がドラマチック。
I like the lyrics so much. A few minutes of this song is dramatic.

After all songs in KI are all good, is not it! I listen to this song well on rainy days!

I think the lyrics that the scene comes into my eyes are amazing. This song that makes you feel like a hero is wonderful!

“I was talking in my heart that there was not such a thing at that time”. It was a hard work to understand when I was a high school student. I gradually feel as I grow older.

Listening to this song when it is raining makes me feel like crying.

Simple! I want to hear it many times over and over with this guitar and this voice, and music.

タクシーに乗り 降りるまでのほんの数分間の短い物語の歌。
A song of a short story in a few minutes for getting on and until getting off the taxi.

The face is so beautiful like a manga ? Ballad of Inaba solos is comfortable.

It makes me feels like strange when Inaba has a guitar lol

眠くなるようなはやさで 水玉を蹴散らしてく♪揺れるワイパーを見ながら 遅刻のいい理由考える♪
Kick the water dots with sleepy speed♪ I think about the reason for my late while watching the swinging wiper♪

I cry whenever I hear it, but it gets brighter at the end. Mysterious song.

I want to be steady with a person who is like a woman who appears in this song.

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