
20 I bought another manga I bought before.

11 Before turning the doorknob, go straight ahead vigorously and crushed to the door.

私はシャンプーとコンディショナーをよく間違える! あれ地味にショックよ!
I often mistake shampoo and conditioner! It is simply a shock!

I hit the little finger of the foot for two consecutive days.

高校の数学のテストで4点取ったこと ガチです 。
I got 4 points in the high school math test, it is a true.

昨晩のおかずがレンジに入ったまま 。何回出し忘れるねん!!
The side dishes of last night are in the microwave oven. How many times I forget to put it out! !

ユニクロのシール(M M M Mみたいなやつ)貼ったまま出かけてた。 しかもコート。
I went out while sticking UNIQLO ‘s seal (like M M M M), and it is a coat jacket.

I washed my face with my glasses on. Even though the thing I wanted to use it in front of me, I was looking around as “Can’t find it, where did you go?”

I brushed my teeth with cleansing foam, I moan oops, then I watched my father moan oops as made the same mistake, I thought parents and children are stupid.

たまごを割ってボールに入れようと思ってたのに、 ダイレクトに三角コーナーに入れたこと。 一瞬何が起こったかわからなかった。
I tried to break the egg and put it in the ball, but I put it directly into the triangular corner. I did not know what happened for a moment.

自転車を買いに行くのに車で行き、帰りは自転車で帰りました。 帰宅したら車がなく、盗難と思い警察を呼びました。警察官の方、ごめんなさい。
I went by car to buy a bicycle, and on my way home I used the bicycle. When I came home, I did not have a car, I thought it was stolen and called for the police. Sorry for the policeman.

初出勤日に前の職場に出勤した。 元上司や元同僚に「お帰りー」と言われた。
I went to the former work place for my first day. Former boss and former colleague said “welcome back”.

When I use brake while driving a car, it sounds shakershaka noise! I thought malfunction? scared! And I went to a car shop, it was sound of a cup noodle rolling at the back seat.

I did not notice that I had a smartphone in my hand,I try to find my smartphone desperately and found my smartphone when I went to the toilet, I am shocked heavily.

考え事しながらクリスマスツリー出しててハッと気付いたら鯉のぼり持ってた 。
While thinking about something, I try to take out a Christmas tree, then I realized I was having a carp streamer.

メガネ探してて メガネが頭の上にあった。
When I was looking at my glasses and my eyeglasses were on my head.

I wanted to drink warm can coffee, got off the car and went to the vending machine. There is a boss I’ve never seen, I bought it and drunk, it was a corn soup and I blew it.

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