

1. 菜食主義は栄養が足りてないからなぁ。やっぱ動物由来のタンパク質は必要だわ。
20 Vegetarianism fails to take enough for nutrition. We need protein originated from animal.

2. まず人種からして違う。同じ白人系でも金髪蒼眼と黒髪茶眼。どっちが老けやすいかは分かりきってる。
11 First of all, race is different from the beginning. Blond hair eye and black hair brown eyes even in the same cocasion. It is clear which one is easier to get old.

3. 偏食せずに肉も魚も野菜もバランスよく食べる事が一番大事だというのがよくわかる。ベジタリアン女性のほうは、干からびてる。
It is easy to understand that most important thing is to eat meat, fish and vegetables in a balanced manner without unbalanced diet. Vegetarian women is drained.

4. ベジタリアンは短命だってはなしは聞いた事ある。
I have heard that the vegetarian has short life.

5. 双子で差が出たなら参考にすべきデータだが…差の原因が食事だけとも限らない。
If there is a difference between twins, it is data to be referred to … but the cause of the difference is not limited to meals.

6. ハゲについても調べてくれないか?
Will you look over baldness too?

7. 調べなくても、トピ画像を見ればわかるだろ?
Even without checking, you can see it if you look at the topic image, do not you?

8. 黒髪の女性は耳が前によってて肌が不自然に突っ張ってる。皺取り整形してそう。
The black-haired woman has her ears front and the skin is unnaturally sticking. It seems like she has done wrinkle removal prastic surgery.

9. サンプル不足。ギャル曽根だけ取り上げて、「食べる量と体重に相関は無さそうです」と言ってるのと同じ。
Sample shortage. It is the same as refer to only Gal-Sone, then “There seems to be no correlation between amount of eating and weight.”

10. 人間の体は、ほぼ水分とたんぱく質でできてるから、たんぱく質は絶対必要。当たり前の事だけどベジタリアンは不健康になる。
Protein is absolutely necessary because the human body is made of almost water and protein. It is commonplace that vegetarians are unhealthy.

11. 100歳を超える高齢者に共通しているのが、肉や魚を食べるってことらしい。
Allegedly, the common thing to older people over 100 years old is to eat meat and fish.

12. 菜食主義者はすぐ病気になったりするからなあ。病気になっても治りにくいし、疲労も回復しにくいし、百害あって一利なし。
Vegetarians get sick frequently. Even if they get sick, it is hard to heal, fatigue is hard to recover, and it is all disadvantages and no interest.

13. 草食動物だって草についた虫食べてるからね。ちゃんと動物性たんぱく質取ってる。
Even herbivorous animals are eating insects on the grass. So they take animal protein properly.

14. いや、草食動物は人間と違って、草を溶かしてタンパク質を摂取する酵素をもっているんだよ。だから牛は草食でも体はでかい。
No, herbivorous animals, unlike humans, have an enzyme that melts grass and ingests proteins. That’s why cattle are big with grazing.

15. 一人あたりの食肉消費量が世界80位の日本は平均寿命がトップ。肉をたくさん食べるアメリカは平均寿命が30位くらい。肉もほどほどに。
Japan with the world’s 80th largest meat consumption per capita has th top average life. The average life of America that eats a lot of meat is around 30 th. Enjoy meat moderately.

16. 俺、一度だけ一ヶ月間の間菜食主義だったことある。でも性欲がなくなって、髪が細くなって、危機感をおぼえてやめたわ。
I have been vegetarianism for one month only once. But I lost my sexual desire, hair becomes thinner, and I ceased because of feeling a sense of crisis.

17. 髪が不足しているのだが、タンパク質を摂取すれば生えるんだな?お前ら信じるぞ?
I am short of hair, can they grow if I take protein? I trust you guys?

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