
20 My acquaintance’s boyfriend. It seems that he got a child though he was unemployed. When he was at the wedding, he was still unemployed. It seems that his parents paid all expenses.

悪ふざけで友達に怪我させて、その子が大好きだったサッカーをできなくなった事を笑い話のように話された。 その場で別れた。
11 I was told like a funny story that he hurted his friend with mischef and his friend could not play football any more the friend has loved. I broke up on the spot.

He was associating with three girls. Eventually it was revealed by his wrong bombing line message. I broke up instantly with him.

While dating, he began to sell a fight against young boys and said “I will beat them in 3 seconds”, but he was beaten down in 3 seconds.

Since he wanted to repay the debt, I was told as to work at a red light bar and to help repay the debt.

Attitudes such as a non formal mouth or an arrogant attitude to a clerk are not acceptable naturally.

A pretty big dog was coming to us fiercely while barking. The moment I felt crisis, the boyfriend left me and ran away by alone.

I have an experience of being choked my neck from my former boyfriend. Aftereffects of male phobia also remained.

He picked up garbage from others and brought it to his home.

彼氏ではないのだが、200万ほどの借金があって 、私に、返済手伝ってほしいと言われた。
Though he is not a boyfriend, but he had about 2 million debts and told me that he would like me to help repay it.

同棲を始めて2ヶ月くらい経った頃 、財布から微妙にお金が減っていく現象が増えた 。
About two months after cohabiting started, phenomenons have increased that the amount of money from my wallet was slightly decreasing.

↑彼氏だと思い問い詰めたら、泣き出して、「ボクを疑うなんて辛い・・・ お母さんに相談してから、今後を決めたい」 と言われた。
↑As I thought that it was my boyfriend and asked about it, then he started crying and said, “It is painful to doubt me … after consulting my mom, I’d like to decide the future.”

Drunk a lot in the daytime at the first date, and then returned home with drunk driving naturally.

He was married.

彼氏と街歩いてたらちょっと怖そうなお兄さんに絡まれた。彼氏は一目散に走って逃げ出した 。
When I was walking down the street with my boyfriend, we were involved with scary guys slightly. My boyfriend ran away at his full speed.

Since he had too few friends, so he registered names and contacts of fictitious persons in his cell phone’s phone address.

I was forced to clean the boyfriend ‘s house for some reason, and after cleaning he touched the window frame with his finger and he said “dust is left”.

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