
20 It has been nearly 50 years since I started watching boxing. It is like a feeling being cheated with my cheek to see a Japanese boxer like Inoue.

11 He was already strong at the invincible level since the light fly weight era. He was released from weight loss painful due to raising the class, and it became stronger.

Um, I went to see the game yesterday. RS seat, 30,000 yen. It is 30,000 yen in one minute. I will say it again! It is 30,000 yen in one minute.

Inoue’s opponent is stupid. Why did not they have a helmet and bulletproof vest? That is necessary.

福岡からアメリカまでわざわざ観戦に行きました。70秒で終わっちゃいましたよ? しかし、歴史的なKO勝利を見れたし、非常に満足です。
I went all the way to watch the game from Fukuoka to America. It ended in 70 seconds? However, I saw a historical KO victory and I am very happy.

I feel sorry for his opponent, I feel like this for the first time.

百戦錬磨のパヤノを 一度の攻撃でKOしてしまうなんて、尋常ではない… 。恐らくパヤノは井上以外のどの王者と対戦しても善戦出来る実力あったと思う。
It is extraordinary to defeat the battle-polished Payano with a single attack. Perhaps the Payan has the ability to be able to fight good against any champion other than Inoue.

I have a long history of boxing fan but I can say that it is the strongest boxer of the past in Japan. Look forward to what kind of record will be set up!

Just shudder. We are really happy to live in the same era as Inoue’s “heyday” which will continue for the time being.

It is a common story that a hard puncher raises a class and hits a wall and forced to change its battle style. But in his case he raise the class and easily overwhelm the opponent.

I am proud of the fact that the strongest athlete in the world history is in Japan for lightweight class, I think that it is very happy thing!

If you pay attention to the body, a punch of fainting comes to the face. If you notice the face, the body that fractures the ribs will come. What on earth can they do?

Why can you knock down from the top of the guard? I’ve never seen such a thing at light weight, right?

Punch which leads to fight fortune lose even if the opponent is strong, is too terrible. Looking at the expression of the collapsing opponent, it is probably destructive power that is unimaginable.

His debut game was truly stubborn. I think that the picture taken from the audience side is on youtube, but the sound when hitting the body is horrible ….

He has a combination of middle range and close range. Excellent sense of counter. Of course, the punch is superb.

I would like him to leave a legend that will deeply carve into the history of boxing.

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