1: 田杉山脈 ★ 2020/11/13(金) 20:54:24.84 ID:CAP_USER
3: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 20:56:49.60 ID:3b6s6qv8
Let’s manage the usage of taxes with electronic money and prevent embezzlement.
10: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 21:21:49.61 ID:5MecVp4z
Excellent human resources will not come unless the salary is at least 10 million yen.
12: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 21:23:20.70 ID:fOwdgxRz
I want to apply, but are they recruiting this?
38: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 22:39:08.94 ID:p8TmRvy0
各企業から派遣されているから国は給料を払っていないよ。 企業持ちだから給与額も各社の給与額と同じ
The country is not paying because they are sent from each company. Since it is owned by a company, the salary is the same as the salary of each company.
各企業から派遣されているから国は給料を払っていないよ。 企業持ちだから給与額も各社の給与額と同じ
The country is not paying because they are sent from each company. Since it is owned by a company, the salary is the same as the salary of each company.
16: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 21:33:18.86 ID:xEAqdOfL
I only have a bad feeling.
21: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 21:54:16.20 ID:wqBLCecU
You had better not let that minister do it. Because he looks bad.
22: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 21:56:22.71 ID:aI+Vu8Hg
バラバラの官庁のシステム統合なんて、みずほ銀行よりも難易度高いんじゃないの? 地方自治体なんて、もっとバラバラだし、地方自治体まで統合しないと上手く行かないでしょ。ついでに、どこの株がいちばん上がりそう?
Isn’t it more difficult than Mizuho Bank to integrate the systems of disjointed government offices? Local governments are more disjointed, it will not work well unless integrating them. By the way, which stock is likely to rise the most?
24: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 22:00:10.78 ID:RdRbibK9
国民の意見なんか聞いちゃ駄目だ トップダウンで決めたことを命令しろ。中途半端な妥協は絶対駄目
Don’t listen to the opinions of the national people. Order top-down decisions. Never make a half-hearted compromise.
50: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 23:12:05.37 ID:kOW6SVq9
マイナンバーカードと運転免許証一体化するわただし2026年な お役所のノロマさは異常
My number card and driver’s license will be integrated, but in 2026. The slowness of the government office is abnormal.
54: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 23:31:09.81 ID:CD+d4TcO
The last time I wrote the code was 30 years ago. I don’t understand the technology of recent years at all. It is expected 100 senior people like this will be sent from NTT DATA, Fujitsu, Hitachi, and NEC.
58: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/13(金) 23:38:37.70 ID:DZLFtnz1
何がやりたいのか全く見えてこない ハンコをなくすとかいってるけど、個人的には公務員はハンコを残すべきだと思ってる とにかく公務員は公文書をちゃんと残して不正を禁止しろ あと議事録もちゃんと取れよ
I can’t see what they want to do. It is said that the stamp will be lost, but I personally think that the stamp should be left for civil servants. Anyway, civil servants should leave official documents properly and prohibit cheating. Also take the record of proceeding properly.
I can’t see what they want to do. It is said that the stamp will be lost, but I personally think that the stamp should be left for civil servants. Anyway, civil servants should leave official documents properly and prohibit cheating. Also take the record of proceeding properly.
184: 名刺は切らしておりまして 2020/11/16(月) 21:27:42.65 ID:DSQcuoGb
It looks like they are playing.