It occurs frequently that my husband makes fun of me.
結婚前とは別人かと思う。 男のほうが猫かぶってるよね。
I think it is a different person from before marriage. Men play the hypocrite.
It is the most frustrating thing try not to apologize. Even if I apologize because I thought I was bad, not like “I was bad also”, like an atitude that “you finally apologize”.
肉食系男と結婚して死ぬほど後悔 。ただのうるさくて下品な、女好きのモラハラクズ野郎だった。
I regret so much to get married with wild type man. It was just a loud, vulgar, woman-loving moral harassing bastard.
絶対離婚したい。 これから結婚する人よーく考えて。 反対されたり、何か違和感みたいなのがあったら、気をつけた方がいいよ。
I want to divorce absolutely. Think a lot, people who will marry from now on. You should be careful if you are opposed or have something wrong with it.
綺麗事抜きで、性格と価値観は大事だった。 穏やかで誠実なことが何より大切。
Without the beautiful things, personality and values were important. Calm and honest things are more important than anything else.
When I’m at home, he is pooping all the time really. All the time really. I would like him to care for children, but he goes to the restroom about three times and stays.
When bathroom was ready or before we go out, the timing was really bad and I get angry. I call him a pooping guy.
旦那は大手で働いていたから、私は仕事を辞めてパートしていたのに、まさかのリストラ。プライドは高いし、家事育児はしないし最悪 。
My husband worked at a major company, so I quit my job and doing part-time job, but there was a restructuring. Pride of him is high and he does not care about child, so bad.
穏やかで楽な人が一番 。自立して束縛せず、家事育児に協力的 。安定した仕事に顔が整っていたら神 。
Calm and comfortable people are the best. Independent and no constrain, supportive to housework and childcare. It is god if he has a stable work and nice face.
He is a general worker at major company, but he is transferred frequently, so I regret it.
話が合わない 。旦那は政治とか趣味に興味あるけど、私は今日あった出来事とかダラダラ話したい。
We can’t talk well. My husband is interested in politics and hobbies, but I would like to talk about what happened today slowly.
My husband also quit his job, and he is trying to be a public servant named unemployed Putaro.
Noisy, smelly, and ugly.
旦那の名前でツイッター検索したら、女と絡みまくり。 AV女優も大量にフォローしていてドン引き。
If I search on Twitter with the name of the husband, he chats with woman. He is also following many adult video actresses, I was shocked.
となりの家の夫婦が眩しい。 吉沢亮似の美男と美女の公務員夫婦で、子供は天使のように可愛い。うちと比べて泣きそうになる。
The couple in my neighbor’s house is dazzling. It is a civil servant couple of lovely man like Atushi Yoshiza and a beautiful lady, and children are cute like angels. I feel like crying if I compare with my case.
What punishment games for those who takes a dirty husband and bring up an unattractive kid?