

20 She does not wash her hands after returning home.
Footsteps are so noisy.
Do not wash clothes, do not clean up at all.
If I point out she follow only few times, then she does not follow anymore.


11 Snoring is noisy.
Closing the door of microwave and refrigerator are noisy.
Seriously break this up? I guess I’m about to die by stress everyday

もう怒りが優先しすぎて  性的対象にすらならんくなってきた。しかも家賃全部ワイ持ちやぞ。
Since anger is too much precedent ,she is not even a sexual object anymore. Besides, I am paying all the rent.

だから広い部屋じゃないと同棲は無理いうたやろ 。ワンルームで同棲しようとすな。
That’s why I said it’s impossible to live together unless it’s a large room. Do not try to live together in one room.

それくらい我慢しろ 。相手も同じくらい我慢してるはず。
You can withstand such a thing. Your partner must be patient same as you.

金も出さない 、家事もやらないとか 、なんの役割も担わないニートやし。
Neither pay rent nor doing housekeeping, it is just a NEET who does not play any role.

足音うるさいのはほんまあかんわ 。超自己中の証やからな 。下の人のことなんて知ったこっちゃない
Loud footsteps are not acceptable. It is a proof of selfishness. She never knows about the person living below.

足音うるさいやつって運動神経がダメな人の証だよ 。運動神経だめな人はセンスを感じないからそれだけで対象外。
A person with noisy footsteps is a proof of a person whose athletic nerves are useless. Since a person with bad athletic nerve is a bad sense, it is enough to be excluded from my choice.

Her family is probably sloppy also, it will be a begged life if you get married.

A man without a sister has too much illusion with a woman, so they should live together for a month when they become junior high school student.

ワイガサツ彼女側の人間やから潔癖な人間の気持ちがわからんわ 。汚い方が免疫力上がるやろ 。潔癖厨いっつも血管ブチブチでウザいわ
I’m sloppy with her side, I do not understand the feelings of clean freak people. The dirty circumstance raises immune power. Clean freaks are always angry, so annoying.

学歴やら家柄は近い方がええぞ 。マナーとかのレベル合ってないと互い疲れる。
Educational background and families, the closer, the better. If you do not match the level of manners and others, you will get tired of each other.

女から見てもそういう人とは即別れるべき。 てか、家賃全部払ってあげてるのになぜ掃除洗濯しないのかその感性が無理。
From a woman perspective, you should separate immediately from such people. Or, he is paying rent all, why she does nothing about cleaning and washing. I can not accept the feeling.

It is better than a woman who disguises until get married.

ワイも来月から同棲するけど嫌になってきたンゴ… なお向こうはノリノリ。
I am also supposed to live together from next month, but it is getting disgusting … Further, the opponent is willing to do.

Make love with her while you are frankly saying punishment.

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