風呂上がり後ろとセット後 つむじから放射状に散らすと目立つけど、渦巻きセットにしたら隠せる。
After taking a bath and after setting. It is conspicuous when scattered radially from the top, but I can hide it when I set as a whirlpool.
綺麗な渦だなw 。俺もマットワックスで流れ作って何となく誤魔化せるけど 、生えてる向きと逆だから負荷が怖い。
Your whirlpool is clear. I can also create a flow with mat wax and somehow cover up, but I am afraid of the burden because it is opposite to the growing direction of my hair.
Cut and set are important.
↑ Second one, not covering only by hair setting, right?
風に対して無力すぎるセットは周囲の環境はもちろん、自分の一挙手一投足まで気を配らなきゃならんから、めちゃ疲れるぞ 。
Too weak setting against the wind will be tiring because you have to be careful not only for surrounding environments, but also even your own every move.
Today I have a date but it is so windy …
Everyone tells me to be short hair without covering up, but if I be short hair I’m dead.
It is meaningless to make short hair other than M shape.
I begin to stay into a room after baldness started. My character has became quiet.
Bald deprives the dream and hope of that person along with its hair roots.
平成に生まれた我々が平成のうちにハゲました。陛下は55歳で即位してから30年が過ぎ、いまだにハゲてません 。この差はなんでしょうか?
We were bald out during Heisei, born in Heisei. You ascended as the emperor at the age of 55 and 30 years has passed, and still no bald. What is the difference?
A. 19才から若ハゲが進行した俺がした以下の対策方法
A. A young bald progressed from the age of 19, I took the following countermeasures.
B. 亜鉛,豆乳,ミネラル,プロテイン,クレアチンを摂取する,週6日は炭酸泉,サウナに通い血行促進させる
B. Take zinc, soy milk, minerals, protein, creatine, went to carbonated spring and sauna for 6 days a weak to promote blood circulation.
C. 適度な運動 週3日は市内のプールで遊泳 ,シャンプーは植物性の一本5000円する女性用
C. Moderate exercise, swimming in the pool in the city 3 days a week, 5000 yen shampoo for one bottle meant for women originated from vegetable.
D. 目の疲れからハゲが進行すると言われたので毎日早朝に富士山を20分眺める作業をこの11年続けたよ
D. Because I was told that baldness will progress due to eye fatigue, I continued my work to see Mt. Fuji for 20 minutes early in the morning for this eleven years.
E. 現在30才だけど頭頂部がスカスカでハゲ散らかしてるけど前髪だけは残ってるから参考にして
E. I am currently 30 years old but the top of the head is scarce and bald, but only the front remains, so please refer to it.
だめじゃねーかw 富士山ww
It does not work well. Mt. Fuji lol