2018.12.21 11:00
第1位 『半沢直樹』最終回(TBS) 42.2%
第2位 『Beautiful Life~ふたりでいた日々~』最終回(TBS) 41.3%
第3位 『家政婦のミタ』最終回(日本テレビ) 40.0%
第4位 『ひとつ屋根の下』11話(フジテレビ) 37.8%
第5位 『GOOD LUCK!!』最終回(TBS) 37.6%
第6位 『家なき子』最終回(日本テレビ) 36.8%
第7位 『HERO』8話(フジテレビ)、『HERO』最終回(フジテレビ)36.8%
第9位 『101回目のプロポーズ』最終回(フジテレビ)、 『ロングバケーション』最終回(フジテレビ) 36.7%
A drama which was broadcasted at the end of the Heisei is good viewer rating. Is it because the accuracy of review has improved?
It is no doubt that the entertainment world in the first half of Heisei was exactly the age of Kimtaku. I admit it. It is shameful now.
Although it is not difficult to accept Hanzawa, but I still can not believe Mita’s high ratings. I can not say anything because I have not seen beautifullife.
Thinking back now, I wonder why Mita’s view rating was so good. I suppose It must be about 12 to 13% view rating drama in consideration for the contents.
Hanzawa which got first place in this era of the internet prosperity is great.
What about the gold coin of the star? A ranking with no gold coins of star can not be allowed.
キムタクなら眠れる森が一番好きだったな。脚本家亡くなったのが残念だわ 。ドラマ内のBGMもかなり良かった 。
As for Kimtaku, I liked the sleeping forest the most. It is a pity that the script writer died. BGM in the drama was also pretty good.
地デジ導入で簡単に視聴率が測れるのに 、放送業界が大反対した。視聴率なんて全然信用できないよ。
Although view ratings can be easily measured by introducing ground wave digital broadcasting, broadcasting industry crushed it by opposing intensely. I can’t trust the view ratings at all.
How about Love story? The shadowy character of Toyoetsu’s matched well. Yu-ka was cute in those days. Shingo was also good.
There was an image that television in the waiting room of the sauna displayed dozens of Teruyuki Kagawa’s close up.
キムタクの人気は凄かった。日本で最後のスターだと思う。ヘアスタイル・ファッション・言葉、みんなが真似した 。
Kimutaku’s popularity was amazing. I think he was the last star in Japan. Hair style, fashion, words, everyone imitated.
HERO is a drama like Kimutaku ‘s template, better or worse. Kimutaku did not make any role and was playing a crazy prosecutor with natural Kimtaku.
Inaba-san of B’z seems to be thinking mysteriously after watching a drama or movie of kimtaku, because it is a Kimtaku as usual.
90年代のキムタクは菅田君や竹内君を遥かに凌ぐ物凄い人気だったよ。 文字通り「天下獲った」状態。 あの頃のキムタクは実際カッコよかった。
Kimutaku of the 90’s was a huge popularity far surpassing Suda and Takeuchi. Literally “Took the world” state. Kimutaku in those days was really cool.
視聴率のデータは信頼できない。 調査をしているビデオリサーチは電通の子会社であり、電通は視聴率の数字によってスポンサーからもらえる金額が変わる。
The audience rating data is not reliable. The video research which was researching is a subsidiary of Dentsu, and amount of money obtained by Dentsu from sponsor changes by the view rating figures.
I did not see the drama at all, but only Hanzawa, I was so excited every week and sat in front of the TV.
Hanzawa Naoki was amazingly amusing. Turn back if you do. It’s double payback!