あの頃、私たちはみんなひとりぼっちだった。 誰かの居場所になりたくて、 でも向き合うのが怖くて、 誰かと繋がることが怖かった私たちの世界を、あの怪物があっという間に壊していった。
In those days, we were all alone. I wanted to be someone’s place, but I was afraid to face it, that monster broke the world fearing to be connected with someone, in the blink of an eye.
累計590万部突破。大人気漫画「となりの怪物くん」がついに実写映画化。 月川翔監督が描く、青春恋愛映画の決定版。
Total exceeded 5.9 million book sells. The popular manga “Nearby monster kun” finally becomes a live-action movie. A definitive version of a youth love movie, directed by Sho Tsukikawa.
1. 雫役に何故体育会系イメージが強い土屋太鳳を起用するのか。 菅田将暉もそろそろ高校生役はつらい。
Why do you appoint Tsuchiya Taiho with a strong athletic image to role of Shizuku? It is now getting harder for Masaki Suda to play a role of high school student.
2. 菅田将暉と山田裕貴は二人とも雰囲気出てるし演技できるし良いと思うけどな。オーディションで俳優を選んだんでしょ?
I think Masaki Suda and Yuki Yamada both have good atmosphere and to be able to perform well. The actor is elected in the audition?
3. なんかスッキリしないラストなんだよなぁ… 。「ご想像におまかせします」という感じの終わり方だったな。でも面白かったよ。
The last scene is not clear to be understood… It was a way of finishing that causes a feeling as “I will leave it to your imagination.” But it was fun.
4. 雫の母親の件とか、春の跡継ぎの件とかが解決したのか気になる。
I wonder if the matter of the mother of Shizuku and the successor of Haru have been solved.
5. 良かったよ、良かった。雫が心を開いていく過程の描写が好き。最後はハッピーエンド、見てよかったよ。
It was good, it was good. I like the depiction of the process about Shizuku opens her heart. It was nice to see, the last is happy end.
6. 撮影現場の学校ってどこにあるの?制服は現実的な色にした方が良かったかもしれない。コスプレ感が強い。
Where is the school of the shooting location? Perhaps it was better to make the uniforms realistic. The cosplay like feeling is strong.
7. 浜辺は今回地味な役だけど、それなりに存在感あって良かったぞ。切ない演技もよかった。主役二人がダントツの演技力だったけど脇のメンバーも皆良かったよ。
Hamabe is a plain role this time, but it was good because you can feel his presence. Heart painful performance was also nice. Two of Main role’s performance was outstanding, but the side members were all good as well.
8. もこみちがいい味出してた。ただのバッティングセンターの受付だが、いい雰囲気が出てた。
Mokomichi is performing quite a good character. It was just a receptionist at the batting center, but a good atmosphere.
9. 原作のファンの立場から言わせてもらうと、微妙だった。でも映画としてはあれでいいと思う。原作が売れてファンが増えるといいなと思う。
It was subtle to say from the standpoint of the original fan. But I think that it is OK as a movie. I hope the original will be sold and more fans will be increased.
10. 最後のフライングキッスはワイヤーアクションかな?太鳳の重量だと前歯折れるだろw。
Is the last flying kiss a wire action? Come to think of the weight of Taiho, she will break the front teeth.
11. 西野カナの主題歌は映画のイメージと合致していた。あまり期待していなかったが、それなりに楽しめたので満足です。
The theme song of Kana Nishino was consistent with the concept of the movie. I did not expect much, but I was satisfied because I enjoyed it as it was.
12. いくら頭良いからって春を後継者にしたいなんて思うか? どう考えても政治家向きじゃないだろ…
How much do you think you want to choose Haru as a successor because he is so smart? Whatever you think, it’s not for politicians …
13. 高校3年間の生活が2時間でうまく描写されていた。最後、ちょっと端折った感じがしたけど、春がいないからしょうがないとは思う。
The 3 year life at high school was depicted well in 2 hours. At the end, it looks like a little short cut, but It can not be helped because there is not Haru.
14. 見に行ってきたよー、カップルの観客が多かったかな。見終わった後は晴れやかな気分になれたよ。彼女がいる人は一緒にどうぞ、おすすめですよ。
I went to see, I wonder if there were many couple audiences. After I finished watching it, I became a clear feeling. People who have a girlfriend, it is recommended to see with her.
15. 一緒に見に行く人がいない…
There is no one to go to see with …