1: パイルドライバー(庭) [ニダ] 2020/11/26(木) 19:21:43.89 ID:2RYvH8Rj0 BE:318771671-2BP(5500)
2: サソリ固め(ジパング) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:23:25.77 ID:jtKXXksS0
Since the Bank of Japan bought too many ETFs, the Nikkei 225 stocks are actually state-owned enterprises.
Since the Bank of Japan bought too many ETFs, the Nikkei 225 stocks are actually state-owned enterprises.
5: フライングニールキック(東京都) [FR] 2020/11/26(木) 19:24:42.83 ID:iIIlem6c0
Isn’t this like buying and supporting with real taxes?
Isn’t it against free competition, such as keeping the stock prices of some companies from falling?
Isn’t this like buying and supporting with real taxes?
Isn’t it against free competition, such as keeping the stock prices of some companies from falling?
8: サソリ固め(兵庫県) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:26:28.33 ID:bLai+Gj80
Completed socialism.
Completed socialism.
10: ファイナルカット(新潟県) [JP] 2020/11/26(木) 19:26:37.60 ID:Qu1Gw8TV0
Even if the Bank of Japan buys this much, it can’t update the highest price at the time of the bubble.
Other countries are updating the highest price on the other hand.
Even if the Bank of Japan buys this much, it can’t update the highest price at the time of the bubble.
Other countries are updating the highest price on the other hand.
15: ファルコンアロー(東京都) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:28:33.35 ID:fO4fsEly0
バブルでも何でもない ただの上げ底(´・ω・`)
No bubble or anything, just a raised bottom(´・ω・`)
No bubble or anything, just a raised bottom(´・ω・`)
28: クロイツラス(茸) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:30:46.32 ID:me6Fo7I00
日銀が買い続ける 投資家が買って株価上がったら売る 無限機関の完成だ
The BOJ continues to buy. The investors buy and stock price rises, then sell it. It is the completion of an infinite institution.
The BOJ continues to buy. The investors buy and stock price rises, then sell it. It is the completion of an infinite institution.
54: フォーク攻撃(奈良県) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:37:17.64 ID:ik5mOGSl0
まだ6%かよ もっといけるだろ
Is it still 6%? BOJ can do it more.
Is it still 6%? BOJ can do it more.
56: 河津落とし(神奈川県) [CN] 2020/11/26(木) 19:37:22.38 ID:oe4dqs8C0
Dividend money alone is about 2 trillion?
Dividend money alone is about 2 trillion?
57: ジャンピングパワーボム(奈良県) [ニダ] 2020/11/26(木) 19:37:26.46 ID:SrjfwiPu0
お金をいくらでも刷れる機関が会社を支配してるとか 資本主義ヤバいんじゃね?
It’s becoming more and more empty economic reality.
Isn’t it dangerous for capitalism to control a company by a institution where it can print as much money as they want?
お金をいくらでも刷れる機関が会社を支配してるとか 資本主義ヤバいんじゃね?
It’s becoming more and more empty economic reality.
Isn’t it dangerous for capitalism to control a company by a institution where it can print as much money as they want?
72: アイアンクロー(千葉県) [CN] 2020/11/26(木) 19:39:13.69 ID:lK+sXnJE0
Well, if the Bank of Japan doesn’t have it, it would have been sold by foreigners and fallen to less than 10,000 yen.
Well, if the Bank of Japan doesn’t have it, it would have been sold by foreigners and fallen to less than 10,000 yen.
81: チキンウィングフェースロック(愛知県) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:40:40.63 ID:RJSKbPqY0
I’m working part-time at the BOJ’s cafeteria, but voice about insider transaction is so loud.
I’m working part-time at the BOJ’s cafeteria, but voice about insider transaction is so loud.
117: マシンガンチョップ(東京都) [EU] 2020/11/26(木) 19:46:43.25 ID:vssgJAYW0
今までの見かけ上の株価はこれが原因か そりゃ給料上がらんわ
Is this the cause of the apparent stock price so far? That’s why the salary does not rise.
Is this the cause of the apparent stock price so far? That’s why the salary does not rise.
154: フェイスクラッシャー(千葉県) [US] 2020/11/26(木) 19:54:02.77 ID:IzPnaks40
Print money → buy stocks → print money → buy stocks
We are conducting a simulation we do not know when the credit money will go bankrupt that ordinary intellectuals would not do, for the first time in human history.
Print money → buy stocks → print money → buy stocks
We are conducting a simulation we do not know when the credit money will go bankrupt that ordinary intellectuals would not do, for the first time in human history.
131: 32文ロケット砲(埼玉県) [ニダ] 2020/11/26(木) 19:48:30.53 ID:fmu39hrc0