
20 Only about pet was realized in these….

11 You will find out it is impossible if you think normally.

Just aiming, so it is safe.

解決するとは言ってない 。目指すだけ。
She did not say to solve. Just aiming.

また選挙あるんやろ? でも都民ってバカだからまた小池に投票しそうだよな 。
Is there an election again? Since the citizens of Tokyo are stupid, they are likely to vote for Koike again.

次の選挙いつや? 無職ババアにしたる。
When is the next election? I make her an unemployed old lady.

It is known from the beginning that everything is impossible to realize.

At least she return back the name of the university of capital city, so it was better than the governors of the past.

About former announcer diet members, there are only members of liars who won the election saying only cheerful words to the national people.

The mass media was worst, who lifted or hit just by whether it conflicts with the LDP.

橋下 、都知事選出たらええのに 。興味ないんかな?
Hashimoto, it is better for him to run for the election of governor of Tokyo election, Is he not interested in that?

都知事って総理大臣になれる目が消えた奴がやる職やからなあ 。あいつはガチで総理大臣狙ってるやろ。
Governor of Tokyo is a job who failed to be the Primary Minister. He is aiming to be the prime minister in real.

Tsukiji issue was so sloppy, but she decided that there was no problem and she just delayed relocation.

On the contrary, did the citizens of Tokyo think that this could be realized?

It is so fun that Masuzoe is lively returning to the position of the commentator.

日本 +0.9%
京都 +2.5%
大阪 +2.5%
東京 -0.2%(4年連続マイナス)
This is too different dimension … How can you do that?
Real GDP
Japan + 0.9%
Kyoto + 2.5%
Osaka + 2.5%
Tokyo – 0.2% (four consecutive years minus)

ええやん 。異常な東京一極集中緩和しとるんか。
It is good. The unusual Tokyo centralization was eased.

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