
20 Even in quarrel fight women divert the issue immediately. It is like that because they just emit the emotion without thinking.

オチもなんもない話か、愚痴しかせんやん あいつら。日記帳にでも書いとけや。
11 There are no story with punchline, or only complaints are what they do. Write it in the diary.

Seriously you should not deny. You have to let woman’s story go forward while agreeing.

But safe because they are cute.

女からみたら男の話も壊滅的につまらんって話ちゃうんか? ちな女と話したことない。
From a woman man’s talks are devastatingly boring? By the way, I never talked to a lady.

I’m fed up with bad mouth.

I am in trouble when they talk about a person who is not a common acquaintance.

You had better just be a nodding machine.

They seek sympathy, not resolution. It is no use to try constructive conversation.

カノッジョと話しててもつまらんなぁと思うわ  ガチでチラシの裏レベルの話題しかない  まあ最近はほぼ聞き流してるけど
I think it is boring when I am talking with my girlfriend. All she talks are only topics of the level on the backside of the leaflets. I almost pretend to hear it recently though.

The woman thinks that the conversation of a man is boring.

It is closer to a reception rather than a conversation. I never felt it was fun in a conversation with a woman.

ワイは女の子と喋るの楽しくて好きやで  盛り上がるしな  陰キャと話すのが一番苦痛。
I like to talk to girls because it is fun, it becomes lively. It is most painful to talk with a dark person.

感性の違いでしょ逆に女からしたら男の会話ってつまらんのちゃう 両方に合わせられるような奴こそホンマにおもろい人間なんやと思う
It is because difference in sensitivity. Conversely, conversation with a man must be boring for a woman. I think that who can match with both is really an interesting person.

It is absolutely evil and taboo for women to let their opinions conflict.

But you guys like girls?

I think that a clever woman is not pretty. If there are only such women, you guys can not be their opponent. Or rather, you had better regard it as an advantage.

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