
20 Boar is not bad.

The one that becomes fiercely violent.

こいつ見かけても触るなよ  母イノシシに殺されるぞ。
Do not touch it even if you see this. You will be killed by the mother wild boar.

It is like a pre-evolution Pokemon sweetness.

うり坊の見た目のまま成長せんようにとかできない? できればペットとして売れそう。
Can you let the boar stay not to grow as it looks like? If possible, it is likely to be sold as a pet.

品種改良でこのままの姿維持できるようにならないんか 。ペット需要あるやろ。
Is not it be possible to maintain the figure as it is by breed improvement? There is a demand for pet.

After a couple of years, it seems to be hurting the field with provoking face.




This one is cuter.

たまにオバハンが指食いちぎられたとかニュースなるしな 。コンビニ袋に食べ物がはいってるて知っとるらしい。
Sometimes it becomes news that a lady got her finger bitten off. It seems that they know foods are in a convenience store bag.

丁度いい大きさやなぁ… せや!

It is exactly the right size … Oh, I have an idea!

K-1の石井館長が高校生の頃、牛殺しを達成したくて養豚場でバイトして 豚の顔面に正拳叩き込んだら自分の拳に激痛が走って悶絶したらしい。
When master Ishii, director of K-1 was a high school student, he wanted to achieve a cow murderer, he did a part time job at a pig farm, and punched the face of a pig, suffered from intense pain.

If they do not grow up at this rate, there is one chance of becoming popular than cats.

Even a hunter geezer who makes a living by boar hunting, he seems to have made mother boar as flesh, but was attached from the child, and kept it without killing.

Go to Kobe and walk along the river for 10 minutes, you can see tons of wild boars.

ウリ坊は車道で見つかったら最期 。農家のおじちゃんの暴走軽トラックが全力で轢き殺しに来る。
It is the last moment for the boar if found in the roadway. A farmer uncle’s rampage light truck comes to run over and kill with full power.

やっぱ鼻がきめぇわ  イッヌがナンバーワン!

The nose is disgusting after all, dog is the number one!

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