You must check it definitely.
My husband proudly boasted me before asking.
It is impossible to get married without knowing.
しました。 貯金額も確認しました。ついでに年金もちゃんと払ってるのか確認しました。
I did. I also confirmed the savings amount. In addition, I confirmed whether he paid the pension properly.
It’s not just annual income. I also check sexual harassment and criminal record.
I’m worried if I do not ask to some extent. Religion, debt and others as well.
どうやって確認しましたか? 単刀直入に年収いくら?って聞けないので、 ネットで会社名検索して平均年収を調べた事はある。
How did you check it? Since I can not ask directly how much the annual income is, I have searched the company name on the internet and checked the average annual income.
結婚は金だよ。金があって初めて幸せになれる。きれいごとじゃない。よって結婚前に確認すべし 。課税証明書見せてもらおう。
Marriage is money. It can be happy for the first time with money. It is not beautiful thing. Therefore, you should confirm it before marriage. Let him show the tax certificate.
付き合った時点で、会社名 年収 で検索したよ。ゲスいのかな。
At the time of coupling, I searched the company name and annual income. I guess it’s humble.
本人から給与明細を見せられました。 給料よりも、時間をかけて相手の親とかをチェックすればよかったと後悔しています。
I was shown his salary details from himself. I regret that I should have checked the opponent’s parents rather than his salary even if I use the time.
年収は確認したけど 、親の宗教までは確認してなくてドエラい目に遭いました。皆さん気を付けてね。
I confirmed his annual income, but I have not confirmed the religion of his parents and I had a hardships. Please be careful everyone.
I did not listen to it at all because I was going to cultivate him, if my partner did not have money at all.
相手の年収知らずに子供を持つってすごい恐怖。 世帯年収とか考えたうえで将来設計するのが普通。
It’s terrible to have children without knowing annual income of the partner. It is usual to design in the future after considering household income.
そんなの聞く勇気がなかった。 結婚してから年収900万円だと知った。年収で相手を選びたくなかったです。
I did not have the courage to hear such a thing. I got married and found that his annual income is 9 million yen. I did not want to choose my partner at annual income.
うちの夫はさ、顔が良かったんだよ… パッと見、溝端淳平なの。だから年収確認せずに、逃げられる前にって慌てて結婚に持ち込んだんだ。
My husband has a good looking face … It is Junpei Mizobata at a glance. So I did not confirm the annual income and brought him to the marriage in a hurry before he escapes.
But the annual income is 3.5 million a year. But it is Junpei Mizobata at a glance, it’s ninth year since I got married but it’s Mizobata. So I do my best and I earn.
年収聞いて少なかったら別れるのかな? 別れるつもりないから聞かなかった。
If you hear the annual income and it is low, I wonder if you will break up? I did not ask because I did not plan to break up.