
20 JR East announced the development status of Shinkansen test vehicle “ALFA-X (Alpha X)” aiming for driving the world’s fastest speed 360 km / h. The outline of 7 of the 10 car train formation is completed, it is said to be completed next May.

11 The experiment run will be carried out on the Tohoku Shinkansen. It aims to commercialize aerodynamic brakes that use air resistance in addition to normal braking, and to develop vehicle control technology necessary for future automatic operation.

1. 不細工な面だな。
It’s an ugly face.

2. 伸びてます伸びてます鼻がどんどん伸びてます。
Stretching, stretching, the nose is stretching steadily.

3. これがそのまま実用化されたら両端の定員少なすぎそう。
When this is put into practical use as it is, it seems that the number of capacity at both ends is too small.

4. クラッシャブルゾーンが長くなってるな。これは安全性に期待出来るから、乗客思いの車両。
The crushable zone is getting longer. Because this can be expected for safety, thoughtful vehicle for passengers..

5. 歴代新幹線の変遷は空力に対する考えの進化と変化が分かって実に興味深い。
History of Shinkansen is quite interesting as we know the evolution and change of thought on aerodynamics.

6. 今考えると、初代新幹線ってめちゃくちゃ空気抵抗を浴びて効率の悪いデザインだったんやな。
When we think about it now, the original Shinkansen was a design that was bad in efficiency due to massive air resistance.

7. 10年後の新幹線は先頭と後尾の車両は運転室だけになってるな。
The bullet train after 10 years future, the head and tail possesses only driver’s cabin in it.

8. トンネルの形状をもっと工夫しないと速度については頭打ちだな。トンネル入った瞬間にすごい圧力が機体にかかるからなあ。
If you do not devise shape of the tunnel more, it is about to hit the wall of the speed. It will be a great pressure on the body at the moment of entering the tunnel.

9. 空気抵抗をなくすだけでなく、下に押し付ける力が欲しいということは、この形状が最終形態になるのかな。
If it is necessary for not only to eliminate the air resistance but also to have the force to press downward, is this shape the final form?

10. 中国のような発展がなぜ日本はできなかったのか。
Why did not Japan develop like China’s development?

11 .新幹線がトンネルに入るとき、 大砲を撃つような状態になる。開発者は大砲音を軽減することに 心血を注いでる。日本にはカーブやトンネルが多いから中国ほど簡単にはいかないのさ。
When the bullet train enters the tunnel, it becomes like shooting a cannon. Developer is concentrating on alleviating the cannon sound. Because there are many curves and tunnels in Japan, it is not as easy as China.

12. 中国の新幹線に実際に乗ってみたけど騒音や揺れがめちゃくちゃ酷かったよ。常に身の危険を感じた。
I actually tried on the Shinkansen in China, but the noise and shaking were really bad. I always felt danger.

13. これ以上早くなったとしても、それほど生活に変化はなさそうだな。
Even if it gets faster, it seems that there will not be much change in life.

14. 新幹線は、スピード記録よりも死亡事故0件という記録のが凄い。
The great thing about Shinkansen is there is a record of 0 death accident than speed record.

15. 先頭車両は寝台列車にしよう!
Let the leading car be a sleeping train!

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